Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Loudoun County's Nathan Fletcher tries to protect himself with his arms as he falls to the ground during a game against Heritage High School Thursday May 3.

Heritage High School attack Peter Walsh reaches to hold onto the ball as Loudoun County's Travis Wilhoite follows behind on Thursday May 3 at Heritage High School.

Man, did I miss shooting lacrosse. It's so nice to actually have the right equipment for it, too. I threw an extender onto the 300 mm and had a blast. There were a couple of shots that I missed because I was so tight like the one below, but it was worth it. Although, if I had only gone vertical I could have gotten that shot.


Loudoun County's Alex Anderson throws to first after getting Potomac Falls' Gregory Woodlief out at second. Potomac Falls won 4-2.

This photo never made it into the paper. It was the best shot I took, but it just didn't tell the story. So, I figured I'd publish it here just so someone could see it. The light was so nice.


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